About Us​

YCK Research Group is a research group that seeks to provide short, medium, and long-term
professional research services in health policy, health economics, and social, political, and
environmental research areas.

Our Mission

Our mission is two-fold: we are committed to the advancement of international health policy and health policy in Ontario and Canada by assisting policymakers
and practitioners to make informed, research-based decisions about the communities they

A Tailored Approach to a Complex Problem

As health policy advisors, we value both quantitative and mixed methods in the work that we do and tailor these approaches to tackle complex policy problems in a way sensitive to the local, regional, national, and international communities with which policymakers and
practitioners work.

Our Methods

Quantitative research methods afford us opportunities to foster deep analytical insight in our research, and interviews with population subgroups allows us to verify
and assess quantitative findings, if need be. We specialize in the use of statistical and econometric programming manipulation and interpretation of “big data” to solve policy problems and welcome collaborative research involving multiple stakeholders.

 We gather scientific research evidence (literature and datasets) at the community, regional,
provincial/state, national, and international levels to inform decision makers about policy issues
and solutions based on research evidence.

Brief History

Past and current research activities have covered topics such as migration, foreign-trained health professionals, foreign credential recognition and labour market outcomes, marginalized populations, aboriginal health, visible minority research, and maternal and child health.