About the Founder
Dr. Yaw O. Owusu, founder of
earned a PhD in Health Policy in 2014 (specializing in Health Economics), based in the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA) at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. His PhD thesis, [International Migration and Occupational Integration of Skilled Health Professionals,
focused on health human resources, and explored, from an economic perspective, the ethical and policy implications of the recognition of foreign credentials, migration and integration of healthcare professionals globally. Dr. Owusu’s PhD research allowed him to develop expertise in evidence-based health policy development, quantitative and qualitative research methods, project management, the design and delivery of compelling presentations, excellent communication and knowledge translation skills, and a thorough capacity for conducting literature reviews, analyses, and health data interpretations, specifically in the manipulation of large datasets for evaluations of health policies/programs.
Completed Works
Presented to Dr. Nikki Mann, Director of Research and Evaluation, Jewish Family and Child Services
Gardisa, V., Grinspun D., Toor G., Owusu Y., Naik S. and Smith K. 2018. Evaluating BPG Impact: Development and Refinement of NQuIRE in Transforming Nursing Through Knowledge. Best Practices for Guideline Development, Implementation Science and Evaluation. Doris Grinspun and Irmajean Bajnok (eds.). Indianapolis, USA: Sigma Theta Tau International; 395-431.
Owusu, Y., Ashu, E. E., Medakkar, P., Akinnawo, E. and Stewart-Pyne, A. 2017. Emigration of skilled health workers from developing countries: Can team-based healthcare delivery improve maternal, newborn and child health? International Journal of Maternal Child Health and AIDS (2017), Volume 6, Issue 2, 121-129
Regulated Health Professions: Outcomes by place of birth and training.
Owusu, Y., and Sweetman, A. 2015. Regulated Health Professions: Outcomes by place of birth and training. Canadian Public Policy, Volume 41, Supplement 1; S98-S115.
Immigration and the health-care workforce in Canada since the global economic crisis
Owusu, Y., and Sweetman, A. 2014. Immigration and Healthcare Workforce in Canada since the Global Economic Crisis, as chapter 10 in Migration of health workers: The WHO Code of Practice and the Global Economic Crisis, Amani Siyam and Mario Roberto Dal Poz (eds.). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization Document Production Services; 133-153
Grignon, M., Owusu, Y., Sweetman, A. 2013. The International Migration of Health Professionals in The International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar; 75-97
An Instrument That Actually Demonstrates How Much Care Patients Need And Have.
Philip Vriend, Dijklander Ziekenhuis, A. 2020. An Instrument That Actually Demonstrates How Much Care Patients Need And Have.
Interview of Dr. Yaw Owusu:
“The grass is always greener on the other side, or is it not?
Report is in Dutch
This, combined with his respect for local knowledge and populations, garnered through his early and undergraduate education in Ghana and multidisciplinary background (Master’s degrees in Economics & Finance; and Environmental Sciences specializing in Public Administration & Policy) in the United States, have led him to found iHPHER-Group, a health-policy and health economics consultancy firm that values the ethical and relational work of policy-making. With co-authors, Dr. Owusu is currently researching the utilization of healthcare services among different population groups, including Aboriginals and visible minorities, in Canada, and the effects of health professionals’ migration on child and maternal health in developing countries using international data. He has successfully published his findings in international health policy journals and most recently in a 2014 World Health Organization publication, and has presented his work at international conferences.
As Managing Director of iHPHER-Group, Yaw looks forward to the opportunity to apply his empirical and policy expertise to work with and learn from teams on a broad range of topics in social, environmental, and health policies, and in support of research projects aimed at improving the socio-economic and health status and health outcomes of people in different contexts regardless of socio-economic gradient. Clients could request a copy of Yaw’s CV.